Membership of EVDS is open to veterinary and medical professionals plus others employed in fields related to veterinary oral health who have an interest in veterinary dentistry, oral medicine and oral surgery.
Why Join
Members of EVDS receive a range of benefits, including:
- Contacts with others interested in veterinary dentistry
- Publicity that you are interested in veterinary dentistry
- Discounted subscription to the online Journal of Veterinary dentistry
- Discounted registration for the European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry
- Discounts on attendance of EVDS-run training events
- Access to past proceedings of European Congresses of Veterinary Dentistry
- Access to a range of members-only publications
- Individual members may personally use the EVDS logo, non-members will be charged €1000 for each use
How to join
If you are interested in joining EVDS, please register yourself as an "EVDS contact" using this link. Once you are registered you can log in to the web site and there will be a "Join the EVDS" link on the left of the screen.